Add Shared parameters to some families (Orchid package)

Hi there,

I’m trying to Add some diferents shared parameters to some diferents families.

The result is not what I was expecting for.

I got for one family the A parameter in Dimension (PG_GEOMETRY) as expected, but nothing about B parameter.

In the second family, I got The A & B parameters but in Others(INVALID), don’t know why.

In the other hand, If I look at the Shared Parameters txt, there is an A parameter in General as a Text and a B parameter in Dimensions as a Number as expected.

Any idea why that is happening?


What do you mean with your graph?


Add Share Parameter.dyn (8.8 KB)300_MEP_Netzsch-NM021BY01L06B.rfa (652 KB)

The share parameter files is clean right now

Mmmmmm, As I said, the shared parameter txt is clean, but when I run the script, dynamo create both parameters in the txt. That’s why I thought it wasn’t necessary

I’ve created both parameters in the shared parameters txt before runing the script, and still doesn’t work as expected.

I got for one family the A parameter in Dimension (PG_GEOMETRY) as expected, but nothing about B parameter.

In the second family, I got The A & B parameters but in Others(INVALID), don’t know why.

ok thks



I’m having an issue trying to emulate the same Scenario.

Probably it is because I’m using Revit 2018 and Dynamo

Hi there,

I’m using Revit 2018 and Dynamo 1.3, so I guess is Dynamo.



I think the way i’m creating the list for the parameters is the root of the issue, sometimes I made it works and sometimes don’t I need to check how sensitive is Dynamo if a Node Crash, because I noticed sometimes I need to close the software and open it again or even jump the node and plugin directly to the close node becuase the families are still open in background.

Would be really helpfull if the node crash or something else the node can close the families automatic

Hi erfajo,
i have a problem with your nodes, please see attached image,
i have download your packaged but is still not working
thanks for your help

it looks like the file is missing. i have downloaded form your website the latest info… and it is still nor working.
any advise??

fixed!! thanks

i cant understand the warning… could you help @erfajo??
i want do add the parameter in the froup “DATA”

@erfajo so how do i add the rest of the information?
does not the node take the information from the txt file?

@erfajo lets say that i want two cases, add only one parameter to som families in a folder, path added in “directory path”, i have deleted the “brackets” and i have only add “a” and i still have the same warnings (picture attached)

if i want to add some parameters in some families, do i have to add {a} ??

please, see attached files
test.txt (548 Bytes)
Plenum.rfa (336 KB)
Add Share Parameter test.dyn (8.9 KB)

@erfajo thanks for you help, but unfortunately i still have the same problem.
have you tried in your computer?
it is weird, but something is wrong and i dont know what

Hi Erik. Thank you for creating this routine and your Orchid nodes package. I was just wondering if the FamilyDocument.AddSharedParameter node could incorporate an Input using the same line of thought for the Tool Tips. We know that once a shared parameter is created, there is no way editing them to incorporate the Tool Tips. I know that in Revit 2018 when they are brought into a new project one can do it but not in the previous versions. Is that possible? Please! I thank you beforehand for your help and attention.