A few weeks ago, I created a script to automatically generate skirting boards as a generic model family. Now, I am looking to enhance it by incorporating room data into the skirting boards. My challenge is to determine the association between each skirting board and its corresponding room.
For example I need to detect wich skirting board ar in wich room (toilet,kitchen,…)
Then I need to add the specific data from the room to the skirting board
Below is a snapshot of the script responsible for generating the skirting boards + What I already made but it is not working correctly
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List.Create is used for creating a new list based on a number of supplied inputs. You’re just adding an extra dimension to your existing lists which is going to make things really complicated for no reason.
You already get the list of Rooms at the very beginning of your graph. Use the same filters to filter the room names as you do the boundary curves. This will ensure that the list of instances you create matches the list of rooms they came from.
An alternative would just be to add a Room Calculation Point to your family and then pull the room directly from that property.
I had to many lists like you mentioned. Also the flatten list made my ordening a mess.
After deleting the flatten node, it was possible to add the correct data to the skirting boards.