Adaptive Component By Points

hello everyone.
I want to put 2d adaptive component section by point (it represents a cross section of bridge geometry), then extrude the section according to theirs points. if anyone knows that I will be thankful for him.

AdaptiveComponent.ByPoints will do the trick.

yes it can do but its put the sections in horizontal not normal to the curve at each point.

Screenshot 2024-01-24 151659

How would you do this in the UI?

Looks like you need to rebuild your family to alter the orientation, or otherwise change the orientation control for each point.

what you meant by how you would do this in UI?

actually, I changed the orientation in (orient to) tabs to (Global (z) Then (xyz)) option but it not done they still the same.

How would you manually accomplish this task - ignore the Dynamo aspect for a few, and just create an instance of the family oriented the right way (ignoring the curve)

I can do this manually by making the section firstly then making the placement points after that I can place the families in the points but when I did that without curve between the points it put the families same in the dynamo.
but I want to ask you if the problem coming from the number of points because I set one adaptive point for the family.

Likely going to need you to post your rfa with the nested profile to help here.

However the outline you wrote int he UI is different from the process you appear to have in Dynamo.


  1. Generate Revit path element
  2. Generate Revit point elements
  3. Place family instance on point elements


  1. Generate path
  2. Place family by Dynamo points (basically just clicking in the 3d environment)

Cross_Section.rfa (464 KB)

Need the family that has the curve you want to follow and this family loaded into it.

By the looks of it your profile is going the wrong way - the section is flat on the XY plane not on the XZ plane or the YZ plane (depending on orientation).

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yes, I tried to make the section in XZ plane and its done.
so, the (orient to) should be the same to drawing?

Perhaps - we need to see your setup which is why I asked for files.

Dynamo File? actually the alignment it’s not based on real points I made it for learning only.

That’s fine - provide the rfa witht he build out as if you did it manually and I’ll have a look from there.

okay I will make it manually and upload the file, perhaps we can draw in the horizontal and put sections vertically, but we need to rotate them after that.