Hi there,
Dynamo has got this fascinating node which recognizes all the categories in the main and linked Revit file, but is there such a node for families? I mean a node which recognizes all families in the main and linked Revit file?
Hi there,
Dynamo has got this fascinating node which recognizes all the categories in the main and linked Revit file, but is there such a node for families? I mean a node which recognizes all families in the main and linked Revit file?
Hi @ali.m.t,
Orchid package has a Family dropdown node.
You can also use the Family.ByName node to find the specified family.
Thanks for your response @Alban_de_Chasteigner.
I checked Family.ByName node, it doesn’t recognize linked Revit families.
You sure Orchid node lists Linked Revit families? Have to install it on work PC and would need IT department green light, just wanted to make sure before asking them.
Hi @ali.m.t …probably this one here from clockwork could help…it should work on link as welll.
Thanks @sovitek!
All Families Of Category works pretty well.
Taking one more step, are you aware of any nodes which works just like Categories node but for Families? I mean a node which lists all Families in the linked Revit so that you can choose the one you want? That will make it much simpler for me.
Not for link as far i know but for current document Mepover and Datashapes have nodes for that