30 Views on 5 sheets

I’ve 30 sections and 5 sheets selected. How do I add 6 sections in every sheet?

Thank you!

List.Chop length 6 on the list of sections to get them into sublists of length 6. You may then need to play around with levels on the viewport node if it doesn’t work right away, e.g. @L1 sheet, @L2 view.

You’ll also need to create a list of coordinates for your location unless you’re happy with them all coming in stacked on top of each other.

There’s better ways to handle the lists than brute forcing a List.Chop, like getting lengths of each list and diving by each other to get the length so that it suits different amounts of views or sheets, or getting the count and size of the sections and using this info to determine how many sheets to create rather than using pre-created sheets. But it’s a simple method that’ll get you a result.

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Thank you so much, that is exactly what I was looking for!

But they did come all stacked, how do I create a list of coordinates for locations?

Count the number of views and use that to range out the x or y coordinate, similar to below.

Thank you so much! This is really helpful. But for some reason, all six sections come on one sheet stacked and placed in one point. stacked as one point out of the 6 points rather than every view on a different point, if that makes sense.

You will probably need to format the list of coordinates exactly the same as the list of views (using the Cycle node) and set the level to @L1 as shown. You will probably need to set the level for the location input on the viewport create node also.

Also, if you feed your view list into the list count that will give you an exact count for your range. This will come in handy for future use when the view count is not 6. Also, you have 6 views but 7 coordinates. In my example I started the y coordinate with 1 and not zero so it would return 6 coordinates. You can do the same or subtract 1 from the list count and use that result at the range max number. You can also use the sheet count to set the coordinate cycle. These are just a couple of thoughts to make your script more automatic.

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it works perfect now, thank you tremendously!

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