Worksharing info for Revit element


Can we extract these info using the dynamo and populate it to individual shared parameters? I want to do this in order to create a schedule where everyone can check whether their contents are modeled with proper information or not.


Best Regards,

Hi @ashanmugam

You need to access Revit API "WorksharingTooltipInfo Class"


Sorry. I am not familiar with Revit API. I am also not much familiar with Dynamo. I tied only the default dynamo code at basic level.

I am using RFTools for Revit which gets this info for all the items. I can use the addin and populate those info to another shared parameter and write it back to my revit file. In order to do this i need to open each and every file and do it.

I am thinking to do the same with dynamo script. So i can ask any user to run the script on the file which he is working on. This will help me not to open every file.

Best Regards,

Check out this post:

@ashanmugam These were actually exposed in archi-lab package as a node. Just download that.


Thank you very much.

Thank you all. I am able to finish my graph.

One more help. Is there a way to get all the model categories as list and give it as input rather than giving it as individual categories?

Hi @ashanmugam !

There is a specific node in the Data-Shapes Package which give the list of all categories.

You can filter out the ones you don’t need.

It’s the Categories list node.

Here’s the pic :

Look at this post:

Does anyone know in which package this node is available?

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MEPover package




We are working on shared project. When i use this script it is checking the whole project and updating the information. This is fine when only one person has full access to all the elemts.

The problem is we have 5+ users working on the same file, if anyone of them create any element while the dynamo is running it gives error unable to make the element editable / element request and stops the whole update.

Is there a way to run the dynamo and look for the elements owned by that user & free elements which can be borrowed by the same user. And, It should ignore the elements owned by others? This way anyone can run the addin and update the model without stopping others from working on the file.

Best Regards,