Wish: Add "Append" option to WriteText node

Could we get an additional Input for the Core WriteText node that would allow us to Append to a file in addition to overwriting the file?
I envision this as a simple Boolean after the filePath and text Inputs:
filePath: string
text: string
append: boolean
Inside the node, it would simply use the “a” parameter at the file open instead of the “w” option.
default if it the input isn’t wired would be false so any existing graphs would still work as is without any changes

Yes, I know this could be done in Python, but rather than have a custom node that almost duplicate a Core node it seems like this would be a simple addition to the existing Core node. (I hate it when people say that)

There’s a similar request here

Yes, this would be a fantastic addition. Another thing that would be super nice, which I think is related but certainly a separate node, is the ability to write/append to an excel document and dynamo automatically save and close the document when complete.

guys you want to post feature requests for Dynamo here: https://github.com/DynamoDS/Dynamo/issues

This community is not frequented by the developers as often as we wish. They do however, work using GitHub, and might even notice your pleas. :slight_smile: