I wish to automaticly fill in a parameter for windows wich says: orientation = North, North-west, west, etc…
I added the parameter as shared parameter, now I wish to fill it with Dynamo.
My idea was to create a vector from the window and measure the angle to true north, if between certain value’s set parameter of window…
I found this post: If ( then , else) in dynamo
Here they showed a Code block for the last part, but I have troubles enough determinating the angle to true north xD
Here is my script and picture of it (wat I got so far):
Orientatie ramen bepalen.dyn (12.7 KB)
I think I managed to get vector from Windows, now i need to get a vector to true north. Then measure the angle between them and use those results to set parameter for oriëntation.
Any help would be apreciated!
PS. Is it posible to add the “Angle to True North” Parameter to the windows? This would make things a lot easier. I tried adding a shared and project parameter with that name but it wont fill the parameter automaticly like it does at base point.