Here i am again, some people helped me allready alot. But i can’t figure out why this script creates two walls when i run it. I think it is because i create a revit element and a dynamo element. But how can i only keep the dynamo element and not create (or delete) the revit element.
And how can i send the first wall.Id to the output node?
Note: The wall must be created by a profile.
wallDynamo = wall.ToDSType(True)
I think you don’t need this
Thanks, But it only works ones. if i keep my revit file open and delete the walls in the file and change the dimensions and run it again, it somehow keeping the original one and adds a new one in total of two walls.
If i close and re-open the file it gives me only one wall.
But i need to make the wall parametric, so its changes alot, Someone mentioned to use wall.ToDSType(True) but that doesnt change the fact that it still creates 2 wall often, not always.
it is very confusing what is happening inside revit.
The method wall.ToDSType(True)
is indicating the wall was created outside of the script, say sourced from a FilteredElementCollector or a selection, as you have created the wall in the script the preferred wrapping method would be wall.ToDSType(False)
See wrapping on the DynamoDS wiki on Github
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Yes thank you! I thought i tried that allready but apperently i mixed those vallues up. It looks like it works for now.