Whirlpool Column Finishing

Hi guys, I’m working on interior modelling of an airport in Indonesia.

This column finishing shape is inspired by a whirlpool, the upside is bigger than the downside. It is made from GRC and there are holes between every sheet for strip light.

The problem is, this covering is facing different angles of ceiling due to the wavy shape of the roof and so does the ceiling.

I have searched how to make something like this and ends up with Closest Point in Grasshopper. But, is there anyway to do it in Dynamo?

I have little exprerience using Dynamo, though, only use it prepare drawing schedule for Revit.

I know it can be done with Dynamo but I don’t have any idea how. Have you got any suggestion/ Thank you very much.

I’m not an advanced user so I can’t help yet. But have you tried to make it in rhino by grasshoper than import to revit in massing enviroment?

Welcome to the community @rendynoor

Maybe you can start with this.

Whirlpool Column Finishing.dyn (24.1 KB)


Thank you @Marcel_Rijsmus.