You’ve built an awesome time-saving workflow and now you want to put it out there for other Revit users to use! But you’re getting push back from users that don’t want to get into dynamo because it’s intimidating, or the Dynamo Player isn’t providing all of the functionality you wish for the end-user to experience. With the addition of the custom package Data-Shapes, we can now create a functional user interface in our Dynamo workflows that makes it look and feel like a custom add-in!
After this webinar, attendees will be able to:
• Assess how to implement Data-Shapes nodes into existing workflows
• Develop fully customizable UI to elevate the end-user experience
• Apply additional information and functionality for end-users
First of all do i think this is really great!
I have worked quite a bit with Data-Shapes and i was wondering if you are also going to cover the conditional and multiple UI interfaces build into 1 script. Because i am still struggling with both of those.
I wasn’t originally going to talk about the conditional input data node. However, I’ll play around with it, see how it works and see about incorporating it into my webinar.
What struggles are you having with the multiple UI interface? Perhaps I can message you directly to see how I can help.