Warning: Dictonary.ValueAtKey expects argument type(s) (Dictionary, string) but was called with (Function, string)

Hey everyone,

I am currently facing this problem which is holding me back. Whenever I try to use an imported node I get this warning message of “Warning: Dictonary.ValueAtKey expects argument type(s) (Dictionary, string) but was called with (Function, string)”
I am facing this message a lot of times whenever I want to use a node from a package that I downloaded.
Anyone know how to fix this?

ps. I still get this message even after adding the correct inputs.
dictionary string function string

Thanks in advance.

Looks like the package has a blocking error - what package is this, and can you confirm you’re on the latest build of that package for your Dynamo version?

Hey Jacob, thanks for the reply. This is the “CaribouReinforcement” package and this is the latest version.

I suggest reaching out to the package author via the yahoo address given in the package info, as this appears to be an internal issue, likely related to a change in Dynamo, Revit or both which has made the node non-functional. Did this work in a prior version?