Expects argument type(s), but was called with

Hi everyone,
Not really first time but still new to dynamo so apologies.

I’m trying to modify a script that I was provided with to place signs on an alignment. But comes with the error as shown below and an error message:
This error message indicates that the node you are using is expecting a certain type of input(s) but has received a type of input it cannot use

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Cut and paste the error so we can see what it says.

Here are the inputs

No, I mean if you hover your cursor over the error, what does it say.


Cut and paste that.

Sorry for the confusion

That means your stations are “strings” … that’s text.

You need to feed in a double (number).

I can’t see what your station input is… But you can either convert (unless you have text) or change it so it’s just a number.

How do I change it to a double?
I’m importing the station data from a csv file

Hola amigo @Timndela buenas. Just use the node string to number, if you use “,” instead of “.” for separate decimal you will have to replace in the string!

Hola Amigo. Gracias por la ayuda
Is it okay if I only use this part

That is the part you want to feed in to your station.

Thank you guys. That worked