Wall sweep on wall gives error

Hi all,

We need to make wall sweeps on the walls but something is causing an error.
I use the Data-Shapes WallSweepOnWall node but as you can see i get an error in Revit.

Is there something i can do to solve this?
See screenshots below for more information.


Might be a corrupt rvt file.

Best to check if each Revit file on the project needs a deeper review. Close everything, restart the CPU, and audit all files as a first step.

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This is not the solution.
I’ve tried it now on a several different ways but it won’t make the sweep.
It looks like it doesn’t matter which profile and wall types I use.

So I think there has to be something wrong on the code.
Or do you think that couldn’t be the problem?

I have used this in the past month, so unlikely an issue with the code itself. You my have the wrong version or need to otherwise reconfigure your Dynamo environment, or there could be n issue with the files as I noted before (my concern is with this due to the wording on that message, which is direct from Revit itself.