How do I join the curves that come out of the voronoi node into individual cells? I would like to be able to offset these cells to give the 2D voronoi pattern some thickness.
Eventually, I’d like to vary the offset distance by the cell’s distance to attractor points/lines. I’d also like to fillet the corners of the cells. However, I’m still stuck trying to create the cells and haven’t seen a post showing how to do this. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks,
Hi, see my workspace below. I want to offset the voronoi cells, but what comes out of the Voronoi.ByParametersOnSurface are disconnected curves. Thanks,
Thanks for responding. Your solution works for individual closed shapes. However, the voronoi module creates many adjacent closed shapes that share common curves. I tried to join the curves together so that I may offset them, however this doesn’t work in my case because of the shapes’ shared curves. See workspace below.
Do you have any idea how I can create separate closed polycurves for each of the voronoi cells? Thank you,
So First I get a surface (from revit in this case) and I create a point grid on it. Then I create a number of random points (seed )and I measure the distances between the points in the grid and the random points. Then I group the points which have the same seed point as closest one and I create their outline with Convex hull 2D from Clockwork.
Hi @viktor_kuzev !
Do you mind share a complete screenshot of your workflow?
I don’t get how did you convert the solid-straight edges to curvy ones.
Hi @Ahmad_Saad
I don’t think I keep that file. But what you’re asking is visible in the 1st gif (though, I admit it, not the highest quality image)
I placed some points on the polycurve and made a NurbsCurve using NurbsCurve.BYControlPoints
Also, if you create the curve through the 1st and last point going to get there drop-like shapes instead of smooth cells. That’s why I used range from 0 to 0.7 and then used the node with the closeCurve option set to true.
thanks for the tip, I didn’t understand completely how the “curve point at parameter” works, however I still see the issue you just mentioned while I used the same values as your example.