Hi there,
If it’s just about creating one big volume from the topography and cutting it up, then you can use something like this:
Since the topography is a mesh, you first have to convert it to a PolySurface (Spring nodes has a great node for that, so be sure to download that package), then get the individual surfaces. The perimeter curves can then be extruded as solids vertically down to generate a nice solid based on the topography.
The bottom of this solid will follow the contours of the topography so the next step is to chop-off the bottom into a nice flat base with the Geometry.Split node. Now that you have an overall solid, you can again use Geometry.Split to split the topography at different levels of your choice (you will need to edit the script to suit the inputs you need - i’ve created planes at 500mm intervals).
Then using the number slider you can determine where the topography solid is split and extract the volume from that. You can see in the image below that the volume increases as the cut planes moves further up:
Hopefully it’s of help.
Note: this method will be very slow to process if the topography has a lot of surfaces
Script made was using Dynamo version 2.3:
Topography Volume.dyn (53.3 KB)