Vision computer dynamo

I would like to ask my colleagues for information about a package that contains nodes enabling the use of computer vision, as shown in the image. I have learned about the developer acetech through the forum; however, I am unable to download it as the file is corrupted. Could you please send me this package or suggest another package with similar functionality? One that can read an image in Revit and work with it.

Hola Amiga @cintiamiranda21 buenas. the download link is directly on the AECTech page, I leave you the link, I remember that to make it work I had to write an email directly to the developer, I guess he must authorize users I don’t know but he is a very nice person! I hope this works! :wink:

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Update. I remember what was the issue, i was trying to make work the package in Dynamo Sand box, and it was only compatible with revit, i tested in version 2021, don’t know if works in other versions, i found the link in github also!! :wink: saluditos!!

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Yep, this one I tried. However, the installer does not complete, it says that there is another installation in progress. But it doesn’t exist, it gives this error. So through these links I could not install. Is there something you’re doing wrong?

Did you remember to mark the check box for un unblock, before install??

Yes, I did.

It seems to be a windows problem, Sorry, this is beyond my knowledge!!

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perhaps try closing everything, restart your machine and then try to do the installation?
when your computers restarts, force close anything autodesk (desktop connector)

I’m clutching at straws but it might work.

I’ve tried that too. Now I was able to install, the installation was complete, but it does not appear in the dynamo and it keeps giving this error below.

I think it’s giving version error. I thought 2.1 was the 2.13 which is my dynamo, and it only accepts up to 2.6.
Thanks again!

I found this other one;

But am I installing it wrong? Because this package does not have an installer, in this case the correct way to install it is not in the dynamo itself looking for the path in the package manager? Or do you have to do something else?