View Scale

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to get view scale values using clock work View.Scale and put the values in shared parameter. I have 2 queries first is that the scale values is not 1: ratio its just showing 100,200 etc. and second is that i am getting error when i place the values in Shared Parameter. Below is the Snap. Thanks in advance.


Here is a way to achieve what you want, check out the notes I included in the image as well. You are able to get the scale value without a python script. I also assigned the value to a different parameter for the example.



Thanks John,

Is it not possible to put the values in shared Parameter instead of Title on Sheet?



It’s possible, as long as you added it as a project parameter as well. In your original screenshot you accidentally put the element on the set parameter as a string



Yeah your right i accidentally did but later i corrected. I added the project parameter. below is the snap.



That’s a little odd. Maybe try saving and closing out and getting back in.

Thanks John,

It Works.