Using Dynamo to change Revit Visual Style (Hidden Line)

Like the title suggests I was wondering if it was possible for dynamo to switch Revit views from wireframe to hidden line. I know this is possible if I just assign a view template to that view(s). However, I am not looking to assign a view template to these views. Many of the views I am working with will already have a view template assigned to them. I am willing to assign view template properties, but I was unable to find a node that could do that for me within Dynamo.

My main goal here is to supply dynamo with a list of views that I am about to create PDFs for. And just prior to printing I want to switch those views to hidden line.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

I apologize in advance if this is possible out of the box, or if it has been posted before. I tried searching the forum with no luck.

Hi Patrick,

I think I may have something to solve your problem. It’s a quick fix and will upload a package that makes it more user friendly.

In the meantime, please see suggestion below. Basically, feed in all the views you want to change the display style on. In the Python script, after “Set(”, set the number to your desired style.

The number corresponds to the following styles:


2.Hidden line


4.Shaded with Edges

5.Consistent Colors


Let me know if you have any problems.







Mate, if you still need it, you can try the node “visual style select” from the package manager.



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Thank you Jeremy,

Both methods worked great!