hello everyone.
is there anyone knows how we can use the adaptive component in dynamo as profile and create form?
Yes, you can.
very good but how we can use it.?
What have you tried? Which build of Dynamo are you in?
These should get you started: Dynamo Dictionary
actually, in the same project I want to try to build it according to adaptive component, but I want to know how its working in dynamo.
Not sure what you mean by this, but if you start an adaptive component family and launch Dynamo from there the nodes above should help.
Adaptive component by points in Dynamo exists and takes family types/points (as lists) to place them. You will need matching point count to the number of points in the family in point order.
One way to use it.
1,You need make an adaptive component family.
2,Use dynamo to group location points for this family.
3,Use dynamo to put the family at desired points.
Here’s an example.
thank you so much but if the the family is 2d family (like sections) does the process same or not?
because I tried many it gave me an error with the same node (adaptive component.by points.
yes, the points should be the same number and order to put the family at the exact location but how can apply that with 2d sections.
I never try that.I don‘t know.2D family is related to specific view I guess.
Look into the AdaptiveComponent. ByParametersOnCurveReference node.