Use Coarse Fill Color as Color Override

Say I have 10 Wall Types with all the coarse color and material already set.
I created 10 filters 1 for each wall type.
I wanted to override the colors of each of the wall types but i want to use their respective coarse color.
is it possible?

I know that setting the view to coarse will enable me to show the colors but i cannot set my view to coarse as some elements will not show up.

I don’t know where to start. I need to use this in selected views only.
And as much as possible can be use by users who have little knowledge of dynamo.

Here is my create filter code for a start…
Am not sure if i can incorporate what i want to do here or should it be a separate code?

Can you just override only the walls in your template to coarse in your template rather than making the entire view coarse?

But with regarding to setting up filter. You’re on the right track. You’ve just got to assemble the rest of the pieces. A list of views and/or view templates to apply the filters to, and the override settings to apply to those filters.

Same thing, I still need to setup the color override using my filters in the Template right?

It’d take whatever colour has been designated as the course fill which you’ve already set up.

If you were going to set up filter then these nodes will help with applying overrides to your filters (Left one is from Genius Loci).


yup I am using these Nodes…
I plan to wire my Coarse Scale Fill Pattern and Coarse Scale Fill Color values to this…
and the Filters that i created to the ParaneterFilter…

Here is my progress…
So far I am able to create the Filter and assign the color to the Cut Fill Color…
but the colors are not matching according to type
I also know how to wire the Coarse Scale Fill Patten to Cut Fill Pattern in the overrides.
Last issue, the visibility of the Filters are all turned off…

Test01.dyn (66.3 KB)

From memory that hide true/false on your last node isn’t well labelled and works backwards of how you might assume it does (if it’s the one I think it is). Set it to true and see how you go. It’s ‘false’ as in visibility is set to false, rather than ‘false’ as in it is not hidden.

I see… so Boolean should be set to True then …