Update Text notes in Sheets


In order to return crossed views data in a sheet after a dynamo treatment i placed some text notes in each sheet and i’m trying to change the text with my calculated values as a string. (revit 2016 / dynamo 1.3.1)

To do this i try to get all my text notes with the traditional blocks combo " Categories" and “All elements of Categories”. But its return an error. I try with the extend node in springs plugin but it return a null result.

I want to get them using python script but i 'm lost i can’t figure how to get those elements from my sheet object.

If you have any ideas thanks.

Screenshots of what you are trying to do and related references are missing in your request, could you send that?

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Of course this is what i’m trying to do under revit :


And this line of code return an error from start :

I’m wondering too how to manipulate and get Text Notes.

Text Notes can be pulled from Element Types.

And you can use TextNote.TypeName to filter out the correct type:

Thanks a lot for your answer.
But the node is in error on my side.

Is it possible that the french localisation of revit get in conflict with the type returns?
But it doesn’t seems stairs element return correctly and the type is define as “Escaliers” in revit

Did i miss some parameters on revit side on my Text Note?

I would highly suggest to change the language when using Dynamo. It can easily be done as exposed here:

I do agree but sadly this decision is not mine.
But thanks for the answer i’ll find an other way.