Unable to run Dynamo Player

I get the following error and my dynamo player keep loading.
I’m using Revit 2017.2.3 and Dynamo is 2.0.3

Looks like you’re opening Dynamo Player for Dynamo 1.x and so it can’t read the 2.x formatted file. If you launch Dynamo (not Player) via Revit do you get the option to choose which version of Dynamo to run? If so I would just uninstall Dynamo 1.x entirely at this point to prevent this going forward.

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Hey Jacob,

Worked great for Revit 2018 and Above after removing another dynamo version. But now Dynamo Player is Greyed out in Revit 2017.

What I have done so far,

  1. Installed Dynamo 1.3.4 as suggested from this post-https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/revit-architecture-forum/dynamo-player-is-greyed-out-in-revit-2017-2-3/td-p/8060863
  2. Dynamo Player showed up normally
  3. I started Dynamo 2.0.3 then Closed Revit thinking Revit get some memory of last opened Dynamo version.
  4. Restarted Revit and got the same Error as my first post.

Does this mean I’m not able to run Dynamo scripts with version 2 and above not possible to run by Dynamo player in Revit 2017?

Not sure, and I am away from the computer to test for you until next week. Perhaps @Bzz can shed some light?


yes, 2017.2 was when player first shipped - and I don’t think its ever supported Dynamo 2.x. in that Revit year.


Thanks for confirming.