Unable to launch dynamo 2.x - plugin conflict

Long time no see, dynamo community. I have rejoined you because a plug-in I’ve written for Revit seems to conflict with Dynamo - users see this error when dynamo 2.x launches:

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: StartIndex cannot be less than zero.
Parameter name: startIndex
Dynamo.Applications.DynamoRevit.InitializeCoreModel(DynamoRevitCommandData commandData)
Dynamo.Applications.DynamoRevit.ExecuteCommand(DynamoRevitCommandData commandData)

If I make some changes to the way my add-in handles assembly loading, dynamo loads, but the lefthand library/component browser doesn’t show up:

Any idea what sort of a conflict might be responsible for this issue? I’m drawing some WPF windows, using Newtonsoft.Json.dll, and relying on CefSharp to render a lil browser window. Any thoughts as to who the culprit might be?

aha… something to do with cef apparently… https://github.com/DynamoDS/DynamoRevit/issues/1968

There have also been some issues with NewtonSoft as well I believe.

Pinging @Michael_Kirschner2

If you haven’t seen it already… @Konrad_K_Sobon http://archi-lab.net/dll-hell-is-real/

What version of Revit is this? starting with 2019.1 - revit is shipping a standard cefsharp version and forcing it to load first. Make sure to align with that version - for older Revit versions Dynamo is likely using CEF 57.

I figured it out… just needed to revert to an earlier version of CEF / CefSharp (v57 seems to have done the trick).

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also see this for more info:

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