Unable to Download latest edition of Dynamo

Dynamo Install Message Dynamo Version Information

I am trying to download the latest version of Dynamo. I am running Revit 2019. Each time I open a graph, a green cloud icon tells me I need to download a newer version of Dynamo. I’ve attached an image of which version I’m using presently. If I accept the option to install the newer version of Dynamo, I save and close Revit, reopen it, and the newer version is not installed. I would appreciate any suggestions about steps I may not be following. I have never downloaded a new version of Dynamo.


The latest version for Revit 2019 is 2.0.3
Try Dynamobuilds.com

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Thanks for your help Marcel. Do you know if there are instructions online explaining how to download a newer version of Dynamo?

I appreciate your help.




I followed your link, ran the .exe, and now have the 2.0.3 version running. Thanks very much for your help and your quick response.

