UI MultipleInputForm++, Output? Not working with String.Contains?

So I had a graph that filtered out the views and sheets by sub discipline and deleted them, that worked perfectly. Recently I decided to add the UI.MultipleInputsForm ++ to make it easier for some of the other people in the office to use. I’ve been using Dynamo here and there for awhile, but Im still a little confused by the levels and think that is my problem here. The output from the UI is giving me 3 levels by default, but is giving me the list I want. When I try to use string contains and filter by boolmask I get all false results. I tried changing the levels in the UI to 1, 2, and 3 and none seemed to work. Im sure there is something I am missing here… Any help is much appreciated!


Here is my graph as well, If the pictures arent clear. UI Delete Views by Discipline - test.dyn (145.9 KB)

Use, GetItemAtIndex and use 0 between the User Input and your String.Contains node.

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That worked! Thanks so much!