Turn off Clearance in dynamo intersection check!

Hello everyone!
Am facing a problem regarding clearance of some elements!
I want to get intersections between solids and elements ( am interested only in thier geometry not on clearance).
Is therr any way to turn clearance of or maybe a python solution for that.
Thanks in advance

@anas.eissaYUUAJ ,

i know only Element.Geometry or Solid… sometimes i use Cubid (As BoundingBox) … what do you mean with clearance ? Model view definiton ?

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Servus Andreas!!
Thanks for replying, what i mean, is that some families have clearance around thier geometry to include installation space demand etc. check pic below. What I was trying to solve is a solution without going through the families and change them, as some of them are not editable as well and it wont work for my case.

Dynamo only pulls the Medium detail level geometry. If you set the clearance geometry to anything but Medium you can ignore it. Otherwise you’d have to determine which exact solid is the clearance and remove it from your intersection.


Hi Nick!
Thanks for replying!
Does it mean, there is a dynamo possibility to set/change the clearance geometry for some elements without the need to go inside the family and edit ?
As you can see in the picture, and as I am not an expert in families, the two blue boxes are only visible if we changed view settings on right side.
However, those boxes are participating in clash detection for this element and making life harder!

Yes, this is possible, but it’s the same situation as ignoring the geometry on the Dynamo side. You would still have to know which specific geometries are the clearance geometries. If they use a different material or subcategory you could go by those values, but otherwise you’re stuck guessing.

Maybe we can assume, that clearance’s bounding box is always outside eqiupment’s bounding box?
Or we can count vertices of geometry, 8 vertices is clearance box. Smallest volume is the equipment.

The only thing that I know, is this element showing the clearance once I activate it from the list on right side, and by exporting IFC am getting only the element without any boxes. Dynamo is recognizing the clearenace in both cases; if I turn it off or on!
It will be helpful to at least know , which commands can help me here!

Thanks for replying!
I tried to get *Element.Geometry but I got a lot of points! It seems that he calculate each edge of the element and as you can see, it is a complicated element, check pic above.!!

Post this family here or create similar, we’ll see how to help.

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Transformer.rfa (1.2 MB)
hey Vladimir,
sorry for the late reply, attached you can find the family of transformer.

If “Clearence flashover” or “Clearence operation” is ON, we can sort clearances by largest volumes.
electro.dyn (23.6 KB)

Amazing approach
I will test it and give you feedback
Thank you so much