I have a problem,
I want to cuts walls where they intersect with rafters.
I get all walls and all rafters and get their solit too,
Now I want to know how can I cut the differences form walls.
Hello, nice solution ,
as these elements are inclined, he can duplicate (the solid interception) them in z to avoid having the remaining concrete corner,
Thank you for your response. Could you please provide the package from which the element.cutgeometry node comes from? I am using Revit 2022 and cannot seem to find such a node.
I mean a little bit of you revit files,not sure but is there some solids in your intersect node ?,try with remove if not after your intersect…so you only let solids pass
Ok, here is the architecture file which is the main file and the construction file which is a link. I think the problem is that the raftres are generated from a link, while the walls are in the main file. AR.rvt (6.2 MB) ST.rvt (6.0 MB)
If you help me, I will be very grateful.
"Thank you very much, but there is still some issue with the cutting, at solid.byunion null appears and then everything stops working. Do you know what might be the problem?