Turn a filter on or off in a view template without overriding graphic settings

Hello everyone,
I have been trying to set up a Dynamo script to turn on/off filters for multiple view templates at once. The only node I found that is able to do this is the View.SetFilterOverrides node. I could not find anything similar in any other packages.
The problem with this node is that i needs a graphic override input. With that, all the pre-set filter overrides get deleted. Is there a way to turn off a filter for a view template without overriding the graphic settings that has been defined in revit before hand?

@gairikb1026 ,

so you want just set Viewfilters ?




Hello @gairikb1026 and welcome here :wink: try something hereā€¦
filter visibility.dyn (12.8 KB)


PS that exemple is for visibility filterā€¦if you are after enable filter on/off then Rhythm have a node for that


Thanks a lot! I will try this out. Exactly what I have been trying to do. Wanted to find a node for it first to avoid a Python script.

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Think you can find some in many packageā€¦i know Zhukoven package have one

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Hi Andreas, this node just returns if a particular view has any view filters in it. Not what I was looking for. I want to make an existing filter invisible/visible in multiple views.

This is perfect. Thanks a lot @sovitek

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