Set filter overrides with dynamo - not working


First of all I am very new to dynamo so I have only very little knowledge thats why I came here for help.

So I am trying to make a script that would select an existing filter, apply this filter to a list of views and then finally set the filter overrides for every view in the list so that the visibility of this filter is set to unchecked (not visible)

here is what I came up with:

almost everything is working - so the views are listed, the filter is applied, but it seems like only the overrides node is not reacting - the filter visibility is still checked (so visibility is still set to visible)

is there anything here I am doing wrong? the boolean set to true should turn the visibility off so I am kind of lost as to why this is not working…

I know the easiest way would be to control this by view template but I have the filters category unchecked in this view template because of other reasons, so that is not an option…

The View.SetFilterOverrides node is in a functon state (light grey). Nodes in this state are missing an input, in this case it appears to be the ‘overrides’ input. I believe that providing something in there (perhaps an override with no overrides?) should resolve this for you.

thanks for the quick reaction… this did not help but I actually found a different node for adding the filter and now its working as intended - the filter is added and visibility is unchecked (set to not visible)

fyi this node requires the boolean to be set to false in order to make the filter not visible
and does not seem to require any input for the overrides

Hi nice it could work…could you show the entire graph ?

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sure, here it is: