Thanks for your help and advice - I’m a bit lost and feel as if I’m chasing my tail here. I’ve made a script to create a view filter and apply that filter to a view, but I’m having trouble controlling the visibility of the filter in that view. I’ve found this post and this post about it - these have led me to believe that the view.setfiltervisibility node previously belonged to the thinkparametric course but was since integrated into archi-lab, but I can’t find it in archi-lab anywhere. I have tried my hand at python, but I’m a very new python-er and am having trouble. Can anyone shed some light onto where this node ended up, and how I can get my hands on it?
Trying to resurrect this post. I have some view filters from one view I am transferring to many views.
I get the filters added easily, but how do I turn viability on. I cannot seam to locate a node specific for View-Filter Overrides that has visibility option.