View Filter Visibility

Hey all,

Thanks for your help and advice - I’m a bit lost and feel as if I’m chasing my tail here. I’ve made a script to create a view filter and apply that filter to a view, but I’m having trouble controlling the visibility of the filter in that view. I’ve found this post and this post about it - these have led me to believe that the view.setfiltervisibility node previously belonged to the thinkparametric course but was since integrated into archi-lab, but I can’t find it in archi-lab anywhere. I have tried my hand at python, but I’m a very new python-er and am having trouble. Can anyone shed some light onto where this node ended up, and how I can get my hands on it?

Let me know if I’m missing something obvious…


It helps if you let us know your Revit version and Dynamo version, as node packages can be version specific.

Sure thing - working in Revit 2017.2 (specifically 17.0.1150)
Dynamo Core/Revit

As far as I know it always was in ArchiLAB. May have been deprecated though.

Trying to resurrect this post. I have some view filters from one view I am transferring to many views.

I get the filters added easily, but how do I turn viability on. I cannot seam to locate a node specific for View-Filter Overrides that has visibility option.

Edit - My simple workaround was doing element override graphics per view. Not ideal but worked and was pretty simple to get into it.