Try to get Elements.GetGeometry and Face.ByBooleanOperation nodes in dynamo 2.19.3 but could not

i am trying to get Elements.GetGeometry and Face.ByBooleanOperation nod\es in dynamo 2.19.3 but could not.

please kindly help. Google gemini suggest a series of dynamo nodes to solve my dynamo project but one of the commands Elements.GetGeometry and Face.ByBooleanOperation could not be found in dynamo 2.19 under revit 2024

do they exist? if yes, how come i could not find it?

Could you please elaborate on what you aim to achieve in detail? Perhaps there are alternative approaches we could explore.

Regarding your question, there is a node called ‘element.geometry’ that you can utilize to identify the geometry of your element in Dynamo. However, the next steps will vary depending on the specific actions you intend to take in your dynamo script so a bit of contect would help

I suggest you use the forum since the information here will be more reliable. I believe what you are looking for is Element.Geometry and I dont know what is Face.ByBoleanOperation(maybe List.FilterByBoolMask).

Do not use AI for specific nodes or API methods. AI is notorious for making things up that sound real. The base logic is usually pretty sound, but you’ll typically need to rewrite it logic again with the actual nodes and methods that are available.

Thanks for your reply
Is there any resources in the forum which can help me to find specific dynamo nodes by typing in general Ideas
please kindly help. I greatly appreciate your answers

If you need further clarification on my questions, please feel free to let me know


I found this name “dyn open AI package” on the Internet. It allows users to access open AI models directly within Dynamo, enabling natural language processing and other AI powered tasks without additional setup or dependencies. Does this Dynamo package exist? If yes, do you recommend me to try it.
please kindly advice

Sorry my dynamic knowledge is rudimentary

you mentioned about the node Element.geometry, can I search for this node under search bar with in Dynamo?

If I search for this node element. Geometry with in Dynamo, I found this node with the following image


If I type element.geometry in the dynamobim forum dictionary. i won’t be able to find the same node inside forum dictionary. And I got the following nodes.

Please teach me the technique of how to use the Dynamobim forum dictionary to find the right dynamo node


In Dynamo version 2.19, mostly you need to search without the category name. For example, if you want to find Element.Geometry, in Dynamo application(not Dynamo Dictionary) you should write Geometry. This will bring the related node correctly. However, if you search with Element.Geometry, the node appears but you may need to scroll down a little bit. You need to read description of the node to find out what you are looking for.

In Dynamo Dictionary, it gives better result if you search with category name as well. Element.Geometry works better than Geometry there:

In Dynamo Dictionary, you can also search what you want to achieve. For example, you can write create wall to the search bar and it will bring the nodes related with the creation of wall.

Rather than asking if it exists, just search the package manager or narrow your internet search results for package installs or documentation. There are AI packages out there but I don’t know their names off the top of my head or which are worth recommending.

Try whatever interests you. Trying new packages is a great way to see what’s out there and available to you within the Dynamo space, but it’s still the same AI. Just because it’s “coming from Dynamo” doesn’t mean it won’t have the same issues. Still a good way to learn structure and basic principals, but always confirm your code.


Your suggestions work really good!