Trusted Folder Issue

I am trying to have a play with the Forma Dynamo extension but am unfortunately falling at the first hurdle. I have created a folder in ‘Documents’ for the Forma dynamo graphs and marked it as a trusted location in Dynamo, however inputting the name of the folder into the Graphs Folder input box just leads to to Forma telling me that it “Could not load files. Please check the folder name and try to load again.”. I reckon I am missing something obvious but can’t for the life of me work out what that is. Any help most gratefully received :slight_smile:

Hmmm… might be a network restriction, but there are a few things to check.

Can you provide a screenshot of the extension configuration showing the path, and folder, and the Dynamo environment (i.e. Dynamo for Revit window showing the about box)?

Sure …


Soo, I have answered my own question - I have now used the actual folder address and all is well. Lol, teach me to work late on a Sunday night haha

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The Graph Folder should be the whole path to the folder: e.g. C:\Users\UserName\Documents

Simplest way to get this is to open the File Explorer and copy the folder path from the address bar.

I hope this helps! :slight_smile: We’re getting ready to push a change that will make this easier shortly :crossed_fingers: