Trouble Categorizing Pipes by System

I’m trying to grab every section of pipe within a certain system and get the fixture units for that section of pipe. The problem I have is that I can’t find a category that has both pieces of information. I thought I could cheat it by taking the “Pipes” category and the “Piping Systems” category to get both pieces separately and then connect them, but the lists of elements from each are of different lengths and I don’t really understand what the categories do.

In the end I think it’s just grabbing all the pipes, attaching a random system to each one until it runs out, and then just nullifying the rest. How do I get it to grab a section of pipe and filter it by it’s own system if the “Pipes” category doesn’t seem to have that info? Is there a way to look deeper into the “Pipes” category and figure out what info it holds in each element and maybe find a way to filter it with that?

Pipes have a parameter for Pipe System. So you get the system and the name directly from the Pipe. That way you don’t have to worry about combining that info from two different locations.

Thanks, how would I access or read that parameter? Also do they contain similar parameters for top/middle/bottom elevation? I might use that for something else

It’s just a parameter that you can read like any other parameter with GetParameterValueByName. You can look at the parameters available in Revit. Anything that’s available in Revit is available in Dynamo.

Thanks! Didn’t know that existed