I need to determine space id information to data devices id information but I can’t do it because name is correct but number comes from 4th floor and there is some confuising what should I do to do this? Thanks for all comments…
Not sure which package the node is from, here is an example using furniture which does a lot of what you are after, notice how the data is aligned and empty values filtered… Misaligned data is your main problem with these… All nodes are OOTB (out of the box, no packages needed).
Hope that helps,
Thanks for help but it didn’t work for spaces I think. There is also a same issue. How can I define the spaces names and numbers to devices in this situation?
Yes, you will need Spaces instead of Rooms.
Your ‘elements in space’ node is returning ‘empty lists’… I would work out whether the node is returning elements, and your task is to filter out the empties (you can see how I used a boolean filter to do that) or the node is not working at all and you need a different workflow (such as the one I showed).
Hope that helps,
I have changed them all as spaces but now I need to ask how to connect getparametervalue to setparameter value
Hey, so if you look carefully at mine, you’ll see I am acting ‘at level 2’ on my ‘list index of’ do you see i have a list of outputs? you only have 1… You need a value for each item.
I would start by carefully re-creating my code, seeing what each part does and making sure you have all the same outputs as mine do… i have put notes to help. If you are unsure of any principles, the dynamo primer is a great place to look…