Hey there every one
do any of you know if it is possible to track a element if you have det GUID
as you kan se i get som GUID’s, and i want to know where they come from
Hey there every one
do any of you know if it is possible to track a element if you have det GUID
as you kan se i get som GUID’s, and i want to know where they come from
Hey Tomasz_Puchala
i tried to use your python script but it gives me this warning, any ideas how i can fix that
and of course thanks for the advise and respond
Maybe you could use a “srting from object” node before you feed it to your python code …
Same out come but thanks
i think the GUID might not be type, what could I code to get instances ore something else in line 14 in the python script ?
strange… it works for me :
could you share your file , or a part of it ?
can you tell when you have it, then i will remove it again
i got it
Actually i meant a rvt file containing some of the objects you’re trying to retreive with the guids
hehe cant, to big
but i think you Fixed in and other way hehe if you have looked at my script the hole beginning you have don with the get all elements en active view
didn’t know that node
haha ok well whatever works!
i made a node with a python script, that collected a lot of things, and i think it dose the same as the all elements in active view hurry for the noob
that was to fast, still come with the same issue
How do you get your guids?
with the UUID GUID Generator for lists
try using the other output of the node (uuidsAsString)
it dosn’t work. but i think its because the GUID is not from a type, but from something else, so maby it’s the python script that needs to be adjusted, because it looks like it only looks for Type
OUT = [doc.GetElement(i).ToDSType(True) for i in guid]