To set length parameter in dynamo

Hi, I’m new to dynamo and I’ve been trying to takeoff Area, Volume and Length parameters of the model-in place object. But I have troubles with setting the Length parameter in Dynamo. I added Length parameter in Revit but can’t find node to set the Length Parameter. Is there any special package or any way to do this?

I solved my case like this. But it may not work in every situation. So if there’s another solution, you can still help :slight_smile: Thanks

By default most objects in revit do not have an inbuilt length value. Walls and beams are examples of objects with a driven value from Revit, but a door or furniture item may store length in many ways - up to the user.

The only way to measure objects without data available is by using a bounding box, but this only works for assessing the dimensions of an object facing 90 degrees to the Y axis.

I’d suggest including a parameter in families without a length available and targetting that for its data.

I have some videos that may be of interest here:

Hi Gavin, I’ve already watched your videos. Your youtube channel is my first stop when I want to learn something about Dynamo :slight_smile: Also I couldn’t find solution for my situation there because I know that trying to get the length of an object doesn’t make sense in many situation. But I’m trying to do this for takeoff quantities of baseboards in architectural projects. Baseboard works on horizontal direction and finding the longest length of the object is solving my problem for now. But I will take into consideration your suggestions. Thank you.

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Not necessarily; One such example: When all dimensions of a loaded family are constrained only by type parameters you can query the type of the element, then get the BB of that as types are orthogonal I’m pretty much all cases. The resulting data can be pushed back to the element or into the element type.