The boundingboxXYZ is not appropriate for detail view

I been trying to get a better understanding of the Node : “Sectionview.byCoordinatesystemminpointmaxpoint”
(Trying to create Sectionview by room)

and im generely having a hard time understaning what kind of input i need to provide, for most cases this is the error im getting.


Can someone explain what:
The boundingboxXYZ is not appropriate for detail view means ?

And also give me a hint to where i should start if i want to get a better basic understandning of CS or Coordinatsystem, Min and Max point.

Im not looking for finished scripts from other Forum post, since i dont need the scripts since im a student, i just need to understand the basic of the node :slight_smile:

I made my own research on that matter, as I faced the same message as you did.
Hopefully it’s not too late. If so it could help others.

  1. cs input: must contain a coordinate system and will define the orientation of the section.
  2. minPoint : must contain a point and define the first boundary of the section box, be careful the coordinates must be relative to the coordinate system of the cs input.
  3. maxPoint : idem, must contain a point and define the second boundary of the section box, be careful the coordinates must be relative to the coordinate system of the cs input.

Zvector will define the direction of the section view
Section marker will be on the MinPoint side.
