The best question to a BIM manager

Goodmorning everyone,
I apologize to disturb you, I am going to Shanghai to interview some BIM managers and ask to them if they have used Dynamobim in their project.

I am using it since September 2014 and I partecipated to UIA competition (if I win also our comunity win I think because I but a very big dynamo screenshot in my pannel). I think that we could work together to improve this software. And in my personal opinion you need more users and more results. For this reason student competitions could be a good point where starts. Don’t you think so?

Now I would like to ask you to help me. I would like to formulate the best questions to understand how we can improve this software. Another reason why I am asking your help, it is because I don’t know very well english (I think that you have just noticed that). I would like to publish my thesis the next year and after a while a lot of students can read it in my own country,and also in my little lovely city Padua (It is close to Venice, if someone would like to come to visit it).

So, have you got any suggestions?

Thanks a lot for your help, as your users I would like to do my best to give to you all my feedback about the software.
I really believe in your project, I think that you are really change all the world.
My best regard.




I think me and this fellow Tono shares the same native language so I will write down a little help in Italian, I beg your pardon for this

la mia prima risposta e`:

occhio alla etichetta. Il tuo messaggio e molto diretto, qui la gente e parecchio indaffarata a rispondere a problemi concreti del software, di programmazione. Tuttavia ci sono dei sondaggi ogni tanto come avrai visto. Prima di lanciare sondaggi pero dovresti aver frequentato il forum, posto domande e risposte e qualcuno ti rispondera, mi auguro di sbagliare ma con un messaggio come quello, probabilita di avere risposte ce ne sono poche.

Per la tua inchiesta, anche altri siti tipo AUGI o il sito di Revit americano o australiano possono esserti utili. In bocca al lupo.

break your leg.


Thanks a lot for your advices, I will try to answer to you in english even if I will do a lot of mistakes,I will try changing the tags and be more sintetic :wink: