Text from CAD to Door Mark


I need to create a script that takes the value of the of a text from CAD and imposes it on the door in the Mark Parameter, here is what i came up with:

from there I need to find a way to find what tag corelates to what door, which is location.
The problem is, the tags are not in the same place as the doors, very minor difference, but it doesnt work, i thought i should look for a “closest” node which i found one in Orchid, but it doesnt do the trick.

could someone help/guide me to what is the best option to go from here?

how about set location or move by vector

Im not following?

just to clarify,

I want to take the value from the orange tags (linked CAD) and assign it to the doors “Mark”


Translated by google:
I think you’d better assign the text in CAD to the parameters of the family,both the type name and the type annotations can be used, and then place the door and window mark family , this is better than simply placing textnote, and it is related.


Hi @NERDASORUS just mean something or use set location after you have created your text/tag…if i understand right :wink:

Try something like this (I used text notes, but it should work the same for anything with points/values):

Mark doors by close text.rvt (2.0 MB)
Mark doors by close text.dyn (43.0 KB)

Three important techniques with this type of workflow are:

  1. Limit what you collect to active view only
  2. Pull points to the XY plane by discarding Z values
  3. Add a limit for how far away a note is allowed to be from a door to be matchable