Hi All - See below for a first attempt of temporary isolating elements in a new view. I have to toggle the Create 3DView node (sometimes) to get it to work. Just wondering if there is a better workflow. The selected elements are just walls (for now) but could be multiple categories. Dyn 2.0.3
The idea is to run a script to find duplicates (3D) and then get id of elements and then create a new view (this view will not exist) and then isolate these elements in said view. I can get the duplicates, just looking for a good way to visualize them… Maybe eventually create an image and place in the model.
Temp Iso Ele in new view.dyn (19.9 KB)
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Without writing some custom python, this may be difficult to do. An alternative would be to create your own view template, instance parameter, and view filter based on that instance parameter to be able to easily isolate duplicate elements. Let’s say the instance parameter is populated with either a 0 or a 1. You can create a filter which colors elements red where the instance parameter is equal to 1 (duplicate) and colors elements gray where the instance parameter is equal to 0. This graph will have to be run each time you want to visualize duplicate elements, but the view filters will persist between instances of Revit whereas your current workflow implies they will only be available to the current user in a single session.
So, you can use the standard SetParameterByName node.
If you are comfortable using the Revit API, the UIDocument has a setter for its ActiveView property, as outlined by Jeremy Tammik here. Theoretically, you can create a new 3D View, regenerate the Document, and set the newly created view as the UIDocument’s ActiveView.
@cgartland - Christian - Not a bad idea. Ill post an update when I have a script.
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Grab all your element ID’s. and toss them into a Python Script with:
ArchiLabs has a Isolate in View node.
Are these elements that show up in Warnings as duplicates? There are several packages with nodes to get warnings and return id’s.
I can get the ids. Just looking for a way to visualize them in the file. I’ll look into this.