Take Area of each wall inside Rooms

Hi All,

I am trying to take Area of each wall with in a room with wall type with room name. I tried ClockWork Room Element Collector but it gives only room boundaries. I need room boundaries with wall type with there surrounding areas. Any help will be thankful.



Any thoughts or suggestions.

Use room.boundaries from pack work. From there it will give you the elements (walls).

From there a get param value and math.sum should give you total area.

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Thanks John,

For Replying, It Works!

Question, When i export schedule its coming in vertical. Is it possible to change to horizontal.



Demo: rooms.rvt



Thanks Vikram,

We both replied same time:).

Do you know how to export horizontally to excel. When i tried its coming in vertical see my snapshot above.

Remove your flatten from the graph. List.transpose should set it up how you want

Hi John,

I tried removing flatten from the graph but still i am not getting the complete result. It shows only one Room Values.

Internal wall Area






I tried using BB Package but i get error “Something went wrong check your Inputs”.

Internal wall Area BB



Hi John,

Any suggestions.

You might have to flatten your lists before your list.create, but I’m not positive. Here’s an example I showed to someone earlier for getting data horizontally.


Thanks John your tip works :-)

This solution works in 3 scenarios:

1.- Different wall height.
2.- Different room unbound height.
3.- Different room computation height.

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That’s a nice definition. I would just change the way bBoxHeight is calculated :
bBoxHeight = bBox.MaxPoint.Z-bBox.MinPoint.Z
so that this also works if the walls dont start at z = 0 .

It doesn’t matter, because is not the bBox of each wall.

oh yeah you’re right … the curves are pulledonto a plane at the level of minpoint.