Please I want to tag all the Rooms, Doors, and Windows in all the floor plan views, elevations and sections in revit. I then decided to create a dynamo graph which I can be using in the rest of my working drawings.
However I am stuck somewhere and I would like you to help me out. I’m stuck at the node named as “Create Annotation Tag”. I dont know exactly what I have to slot into the input, “TagLocations”. Any other correction required to be done on my graph in highly welcome.
I have attached a screenshot of the graph I created
Thank you.
Personally I would get each category working in a simple test file and up the complexity.
Obviously it’s easy enough to get a room location and place a tag there, but you’ll presumably need a different strategy for windows in sections…
Managing lists will get tricky… I guess you need a point for every family in every view?
Say you get a null somewhere you need to keep all the lists constant. You are returning all rooms, even unplaced ones. All windows, even those on legend sheets…etc.