Dear Dynamo Experts, I could place varying size of circles on a panel, but could trim all circles out of surface. That is working for a single surface, but not for multiple surfaces. I looked at a couple of different suggestions in this forum, but none of them seems to be working. If you can share your expertise with me, I would appreciate. Thank you for help in advance.
I am not 100% sure, but it could be a mismatched data or lacing issue.
Can you try getting first item of each list and testing with just 1 Surface + 1 Circle + 1 pt intead of multiple lists?
One of the issues is that trimming a surface with a circle doesn’t work.
Have used two arcs in the example below
File: SurfacesTrim.dyn
Vikrama & Kulkul,
It is working after some minor tweaks! Thank you so much for help!