Surface thickness only in one part

Hi! I’m trying to make a solid through given a certain tickness to a surface with “Surface.thicken” but it is only applied to one edge.

The surface is created but creating the solid the thickness is applied only to one edge. Do you know how to proceed? Thank you in advance

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Hi @evaM74 and welcome, please use the English language in this forum.


@evaM74 , hi

Check out your lacing too… i see it is the longest … i tried this way

Hola y gracias por contestar tan rápido. Nada, lo he puesto en AUTO y me sale igual.
He visto que tu haces una superficie para cada lado, crees que esa seria la solución?
Yo he hecho la superficie con perfiles formados por 4 lineas cada uno.


puedes escrebir en ingles… ! sabes mas gente te pueden ayudarte, mi espanol es como mi saber en Python y Dynamo :wink: …chimbo



@evaM74 ,

Try it.
Maybe explode Geometry so you will have Surfaces

