Surface display inside a Mass family as true surface geometry

After a number of trials, I was successful in creating a shape profile and then surface revolve around a circle to create a surface in Dynamo. But I am having a problem to make this surface to display inside a conceptual mass family as true surface geometry.

My goal is to be able to change the surface in Dynamo by changing the profile size, then it updated the surface geometry real-time inside Revit.

is this node [ImportInstance.ByGeometry] not working anymore?

I will appreciate any directions to make this work.

Hi Zakim
Try Spring node Package
FamilyInstanceByGeometry node

Thank you @dineshsubramani for your help. I think I am getting closer because inside the Conceptual Mass family I can see a “Test” generic model family created. Also, when I open the “Test” generic model I can see the geometry there.

But the problem is that I do not see the “Test” generic model placed on the 3D view port inside the Conceptual Mass family…!!

I also noticed two things:

  1. That Dynamo takes time to run the code - is that because I am using Revit 2018?
  2. The warning shown below.