
Hello everyone,

I want to apply cross product lacing just between elements inside the same sublist not between elements of diferent sublists to intersecting . I sure it maybe be easy but I struggle traying to get to.Idea is making the less steps as possible as a simple way.

Does list @L1 do this?

I dont get the correct lacing, they should be 202 (81 +121) elements, not 218

Both @L1? And you were have the node on longest instead of cross?

Not all “list level / lacing applications” are possible with a given list structure. Both target the structure of the list, not the indices.

In this case you’ll have to break apart your list (if it has a known number of sublists) or duplicate the sublists so that each value has a sublist to iterate with.

If you gave us more context we might also be able to suggest a better option.

Transposing will give a list structure of two items per list, with 9 lists.

Otherwise the first item and last item nodes (@L2) will be the most straightforward way to separate these two lists.

You can use List.Combinations node to test intersections within a list - set Level to @L2