Structure drop height

Hopefully this adds a bit more context to it. Is it possible to have a conditional with multiple inputs / outputs?


Here’s a conditional for what you show above.

drop == 0.15 ? 0.9
: drop == 0.3 ? 1.55
: drop == 0.225 ? 1.3
: null;

Thanks @mzjensen I now get the list to give me the manholes that dont achieve the minimum drop depth.

When I use the DocumentExtensions.SetStyle node it comes up with a warning.

Warning: DocumentExtensions.SetStyle expects argument type(s) (Autodesk.AutoCAD.DynamoNodes.Object, string), but was called with (string[], string).

Not quite sure what the issue is?

The message says it all: the node is expecting an object for the first input but it is being provided a string. So if you’re trying to change the style of a pipe or structure, you need to input the actual pipe or structure objects and not their names.