
i need reverse stairs path in dynamo by flip how can do it by dynamo script

How have you built the stair?

Stair paths are pretty munted in my experience. Up direction tends to work but down arrows rarely work as intended. Some workarounds here such as swapping start/end symbol to look like a down arrow, but no functional solutions I know of. As always, happy to be corrected!

CAD To Revit

stair222.dyn (33.6 KB)

I need convert this

To this

Means flip stairs path by dynamo

In searching Revit API docs it looks like that tool might not be available beyond a postable command. You’ll likely just need to press that button instead assuming you already have a stair.

For CAD > Revit for stairs I generally would just do that manually. CAD/Scan to BIM is typically not done automatically even though all the outsourcing firms love to pretend it can be using a sample file with perfect lines and layering.

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Thank you for looking and giving me your time​:rose::rose:

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To flip the stair I think you would need to get the stair runs (only one in this case), and for each one of those use this method to make things clockwise or counter clockwise as desired.

To generate the stair correctly, this method will work. The key is setting the various curve lists correctly.