Path stairs

I was thinking about converting the stairs from AutoCAD to Revit, but I faced a problem, which was creating a path. Does anyone have any ideas about making a path?

wall.dwg (333.2 KB)
stairline26g.dyn (108.3 KB)
walls.dwg (333.7 KB)

One way may not be the best:
1-recover your riser lines
2-Place a Point with PointatParameter 0.5
3/ Average these points (Clockwork has such a node)
4/Arrange them in order of rotation
5/ draw a polycurve


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I would try do as Christian suggest or some alternative way …probably something here could work as well in that situation

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Hi, sometimes we think we have a solution, the more we analyze it the more we realize that it is not that good.
Day line to cut lines.
the risers if inclined at more than 45° no longer work.

Surface transformation is more efficient. :wink: